We’re going to the HOPE & ANCHOR in ISLINGTON to see some of the BEST new unsigned Bands around town
THE LONDON MUSIC SHOWCASE Presents: ANTLERZ, SALEMZ LOT, DISTRICT 13 and ESTRANGER! If you are new to London and have never been to THE HOPE & ANCHOR, this will be a great event to come to – It’s an awesome line-up, at a Top Venue in the Heart of London! Great place for a beer and they even have DJ’s till late! It’s Friday let’s Party
—> ANTLERZ – 10:00pm
—> SALEMZ LOT – 9:15pm
—> DISTRICT 13 – 8:30pm
—> ESTRANGER 7:45pm
ANTLERZ – Rap Rock, combining true Hip Hop flows with Heavy Riffs and loads of Attitude! The 4 piece originate from London and have gone on to appear in the finals of Soundwaves Music Competition and supported Crazy Town on their 20th Anniversary London show.
SALEMZ LOT – Alternative Music by Antlerz Drummer Salem. Expect some serious Energy, Groove and rocking rhythms
DISTRICT 13 – Heavy alternative rock band based in London. Aiming to infuse Heavy Metal and Punk to create their own unique sound.
ESTRANGER – Estranger are a 4 piece post-hardcore / rock / metal band from London influenced by mythology, horror and everything bizarre and strange.
Hope & Anchor
207 Upper St
London N1 1RL
7:15pm – Meetup Starts with Chat / Drinks / Food
7:30pm – Doors open for Gig
7:45pm – Music Starts
Instagram: londonmusicshowcase
This is a ‘Meetup’ event so you will be able to watch the gig with members of the group. It’s a mix of regular and newcomers so feel free to come on your own and meet new people.
There will be an area reserved with a MEETUP SIGN so easy to find us. Don’t worry if you are shy or going on your own – We’re a friendly mix; French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and English people so I’m sure you will meet someone that shares a passion for Rocking Music
Don’t worry if attendance looks low, we are meeting other Meetup/Whatsapp/Facebook Groups and a lot of my friends don’t RSVP
I work with the Venue and Promoters. It’s fun nights and meeting people. We are not responsible for you or your belongings. By attending this event you agree to waiver liability for the Host Please bring ID to all events 18+ Thank you